

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve and cause visual disturbance and blindness, due to high eye pressure. It is also known as the "silent thief of vision". Glaucoma is often asymptomatic and can go undiagnosed in early stages.

● Vision Loss
● Reduced Quality of Life
● Optic Nerve Damage
● Blind Spots
● Increased risk of falls
● Reduced Driving Ability
● Emotional impact

Glaucoma cannot be cured, but can be managed effectively. Early diagnosis and consistent treatment are essential in controlling Glaucoma and preventing further vision damage.

● Seeing halos around bulbs
● Slow, often unnoticed vision loss
● Eye pain, head ache, redness of eyes
● Frequent change of spectacle power
● Contracted field of vision

● Age above 60 years
● Patient having high powered glasses
● Patients with diabetes, hypertension, migraine
● Patients using steroids eye drop or oral steroids for a long time
● Patients with history of eye injury or eye surgeries
● Family history of Glaucoma –if you have a relative with Glaucoma, you should be screened for Glaucoma after 40 years of age

How is Glaucoma treated ?

Eye drops/ Medications:

Your doctor will prescribe the best suited medication to control eye pressure. Since Glaucoma is a lifelong condition, you may need to use eye drops daily for life.

Laser treatment:

This will reduce your eye pressure by reliving any blockage of fluid drainage in your eyes. LASER can supplement the use of eye drops, but it cannot completely replace them.


Although more invasive, surgery can lead to better and quicker eye pressure control. Depending on the type and severity of Glaucoma, the eye doctor will choose the best surgical option.

Why Sunanda Eye Hospital for Glaucoma ?

At Sunanda Eye Hospital, with our state-of-the-art technology, well trained and experienced ophthalmologists are fully equipped to detect Glaucoma in its early stage and provide comprehensive management.

How is Glaucoma diagnosed ?

  • Detailed history of symptoms and risk factors
  • Intraocular (eye) pressure is checked using tonometry
  • Gonioscopy to check the angles of eye
  • Optic nerve examination for any variation in size as compared to normal
  • Visual field examination
  • Corneal thickness measurement
  • OCT- to measure thickness of retinal nerve fibre layer which is useful for early detection as well as progression of the diseases

How to prevent Glaucoma ?

If you are at risk for Glaucoma, American Academy Of Ophthalmology recommends comprehensive eye check up according to this schedule.

  • Less than 40 of age –every 2 to 5 years
  • 40-54 years – every 1-3 years
  • 55-64 years – every 1-2 years
  • > 65 years – every 1-2 years

Know more about our surgery packages, book an appointment with us today